Welcome to my first post. (proper)
I believe, just like many of us do, that God is about to raise up His Church for the whole world to see His glory, in her. I have always believed this day is coming since I first heard the Name of Jesus, back as a child in the early 1970s.
For reasons that God only knows, it is not until now, that He is giving me the words that come even close to what He has placed in my heart.
As I look around at the Church today and see the amazing things that are happening around the world, I believe that the words He has given me are relevant for this time, and God is leading me to share them now.
If it is God's will that these words are heard in the universal Church, then it is Him who will make it happen, my aim is only to be obedient.
For too long I have allowed the disapproval of others to discourage me from sharing what I believe God alone has embedded into my spiritual DNA, and as difficult and harmful as I have allowed that to become, I also believe that God uses our past weaknesses for His glory.
I believe that God will receive the glory for the steadfastness that He has developed in me, through my own failures and weaknesses.
I pray that the Holy Spirit will be with you as you read, and that you will be open to let Him lead you wherever He wants to.
Even though there are only three pages finished at present, there are another three very close, God willing to completion.
The focus of these pages is to show why, and on who's authority the army of God can easily cast out the lies that have, I believe deceived, and weakened her for so long.
Please be vigilant however that our enemy is not going to stand around and watch us receive our blessing. Please recognize him in any thoughts that suggest that our Father won't provide for us in the land He has already given to us.
Our Father is not about to share a great idea of unity and power with us in the spiritual, but forget to show us how it all works so perfectly in the natural also. We know our Father is no joke, and when our enemy says "that's alright in practice but it wont work in the real world", believe me when I say, that our Father has delivered, and when our God delivers He is not joking. Get behind us Satan.
I believe that there is real revelation and power in these pages, and the ones to come. I hope that you will visit again very soon to see how His Spirit has moved on them.
Please feel free to leave your comment relating to anything that you have read.
If you would prefer to email, the address is..... [email protected]
Love in the oneness of Christ
Stephen David
I believe, just like many of us do, that God is about to raise up His Church for the whole world to see His glory, in her. I have always believed this day is coming since I first heard the Name of Jesus, back as a child in the early 1970s.
For reasons that God only knows, it is not until now, that He is giving me the words that come even close to what He has placed in my heart.
As I look around at the Church today and see the amazing things that are happening around the world, I believe that the words He has given me are relevant for this time, and God is leading me to share them now.
If it is God's will that these words are heard in the universal Church, then it is Him who will make it happen, my aim is only to be obedient.
For too long I have allowed the disapproval of others to discourage me from sharing what I believe God alone has embedded into my spiritual DNA, and as difficult and harmful as I have allowed that to become, I also believe that God uses our past weaknesses for His glory.
I believe that God will receive the glory for the steadfastness that He has developed in me, through my own failures and weaknesses.
I pray that the Holy Spirit will be with you as you read, and that you will be open to let Him lead you wherever He wants to.
Even though there are only three pages finished at present, there are another three very close, God willing to completion.
The focus of these pages is to show why, and on who's authority the army of God can easily cast out the lies that have, I believe deceived, and weakened her for so long.
Please be vigilant however that our enemy is not going to stand around and watch us receive our blessing. Please recognize him in any thoughts that suggest that our Father won't provide for us in the land He has already given to us.
Our Father is not about to share a great idea of unity and power with us in the spiritual, but forget to show us how it all works so perfectly in the natural also. We know our Father is no joke, and when our enemy says "that's alright in practice but it wont work in the real world", believe me when I say, that our Father has delivered, and when our God delivers He is not joking. Get behind us Satan.
I believe that there is real revelation and power in these pages, and the ones to come. I hope that you will visit again very soon to see how His Spirit has moved on them.
Please feel free to leave your comment relating to anything that you have read.
If you would prefer to email, the address is..... [email protected]
Love in the oneness of Christ
Stephen David