Because there are over 30,000 denominations
we can but trust that the beauty of Christ is revealed
to the world in our diversity.
However, it is plain to see that our enemy is deceiving the world, by creating an illusion that is being interpreted not as diversity, but unattractive division.
Therefore we must show the world, that it is Jesus that unites His Church, and that He is infinitely greater
and more relevant to us,
then anything that appears to divide us.
and more relevant to us,
then anything that appears to divide us.

Diversity is beautiful, but as we know very different to division, which is a progeny of sin and rebellion.
So for the sake of the lost, we must
separate the two.
separate the two.
We know that Jesus came and served, we too then should have the mind of Christ, and be earnest in our desire to love and serve our brothers and sisters, and because of the love that lives in us, be accepting in that love, our doctrinal and
ecumenical differences.

John 13:34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. 35 By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
If we love and serve our brothers whose doctrine is different to ours, they and the lost world will see something their hearts cannot deny. Then the Holy Spirit will move through our actions of love, saying something that we are not able to put into words,
nor convince with our arguments.
Mat 22:39 Jesus said ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
As someone once said:
"Feel the fear and do it anyway"
Our enemy shows us our division on the outer courts,
then suggests the same violation flows deep down to the inner courts of our spiritual relationship with Christ, and each other.
then suggests the same violation flows deep down to the inner courts of our spiritual relationship with Christ, and each other.
But once we believe that it does, he then whispers to us,
(as he always does)
"This mountain of difficulty is too big for you,
be dismayed and give up".
(as he always does)
"This mountain of difficulty is too big for you,
be dismayed and give up".
If you doubt this mountain of outer court division really exists, take a look at it yourself, click on the image below to look at the size of this mountain of division.
Are we not doing exactly as the army of Israel did in 1.Sam 17
by seeing this division as they saw their Goliath?
Our God is the same God today,
our God will deliver us from this giant just as easily.
Our victory is guaranteed,
but to receive it we must first go out and meet it.
Click on image for link
Facing Your Goliath
So let us focus on the truth, satan is afraid of our unity, and he has a very, very good reason to be.
There is no hiding the fact, or the evidence that this deception of division is hurting the army of God, and it's making all the difference to our effectiveness in reaching this lost
and hopeless world, with the love of Jesus.
There is no hiding the fact, or the evidence that this deception of division is hurting the army of God, and it's making all the difference to our effectiveness in reaching this lost
and hopeless world, with the love of Jesus.
Is there a 'born again' Christian today
who can argue against this fact?
who can argue against this fact?
"What if the body of Christ as a whole could come together in unity, put away our differences of opinions and our social and doctrinal disputes, and focus on the one specific goal - to reach the lost"? Nicky Cruz
"Then we will see the rule and the reign of the un-grieved Spirit"
R.T Kendall
Rom 8:31 What shall we then say to these things?
If God be for us, who can be against us?