I remember in 2013 talking with a homeless alcoholic drug addict under Waterloo bridge, he was of eastern European origin, but his English wasn't bad at all, I could understand most of what he said.
He told me about a number of unfortunate events that had led up to him living on the streets of London and for several years.
I think he said he was in his thirties, to be honest I felt very sorry for him listening to the problems he was having to deal with day to day just to survive.
I remember thinking this man desperately needs some good news, some real hope in his life.
Wow I thought, have I got some Good News for you, and as I shared with him what God had done for me and that Jesus is really alive and that He loves him so very much I could see the Holy Spirit doing what He loves to do, I can't explain the joy I felt leading this man with tears in his eyes, in a prayer of repentance.
Oh what an exhilarating experience it is to bring such amazing Good News to those in need.
On the other hand, I wonder if I am the only Christian that struggles to share the same good news with someone who we know quite well and has led a good life, has hurt no one,
loves animals and is a very good parent, and has spent years working for free in a charity shop, and looks to all the world to be a content and happy model citizen.
I find this far more difficult to say "Jesus is the answer".
In the same way
He told me about a number of unfortunate events that had led up to him living on the streets of London and for several years.
I think he said he was in his thirties, to be honest I felt very sorry for him listening to the problems he was having to deal with day to day just to survive.
I remember thinking this man desperately needs some good news, some real hope in his life.
Wow I thought, have I got some Good News for you, and as I shared with him what God had done for me and that Jesus is really alive and that He loves him so very much I could see the Holy Spirit doing what He loves to do, I can't explain the joy I felt leading this man with tears in his eyes, in a prayer of repentance.
Oh what an exhilarating experience it is to bring such amazing Good News to those in need.
On the other hand, I wonder if I am the only Christian that struggles to share the same good news with someone who we know quite well and has led a good life, has hurt no one,
loves animals and is a very good parent, and has spent years working for free in a charity shop, and looks to all the world to be a content and happy model citizen.
I find this far more difficult to say "Jesus is the answer".
In the same way