Remember before we were saved when our enemy could hide God's grace from us,
his lies kept us focused on our own understanding, steering us away from taking
that original leap of faith, and so it is regarding this hidden revelation.
Our enemy is not original, but I ask you to be extremely vigilant now to his whisperings, because have no doubt that behind this veil is our Father's answer to our endless prayers.
"You don't have time for this, what does it look like in practice".
Please ignore him now as everything he says is irrelevant, we find nothing of value in our own understanding.
The righteous live by faith, faith in what the bible tells us God has already done.
please push on and finish the first page.
Love in the oneness of Christ
Stephen David
Remember before we were saved when our enemy could hide God's grace from us,
his lies kept us focused on our own understanding, steering us away from taking
that original leap of faith, and so it is regarding this hidden revelation.
Our enemy is not original, but I ask you to be extremely vigilant now to his whisperings, because have no doubt that behind this veil is our Father's answer to our endless prayers.
"You don't have time for this, what does it look like in practice".
Please ignore him now as everything he says is irrelevant, we find nothing of value in our own understanding.
The righteous live by faith, faith in what the bible tells us God has already done.
please push on and finish the first page.
Love in the oneness of Christ
Stephen David