Whether we would risk it or not
division is upon us
division is upon us
or is it?
It's clear that there must be something very wrong, when the army of God as a whole, goes out to war choosing to voluntarily give up her best weapon.
We know that the Holy Spirit Himself, God lives in us, and we live in Christ, so we know truthfully that we are second to none, there is nothing missing, and therefore there is nothing we need to do for ourselves that hasn't already been done for us by Jesus.
However we cannot say that about the hurting world around us, and that would be a very good reason for our enemy to have God's army focused away, and inward looking.
We believe
regardless how satan makes it look in the natural,
there really is no such thing as division in The Body of Christ,
and therefore it has no power of it's own.
The name of division with all it's many disguises, and it does appear to be a huge mountainous looking thing, however, as daunting as it looks, we can be assured that it certainly cannot enter into the ring with the truth and power of the Holy Spirit who lives in, and fights for us.
We believe the liar knows this, and can only roar and do all he can to discourage us from entering the ring. We, knowing our God, do know that our enemy is more afraid of who lives in us, than we should be of him, but he'll do anything to prevent us from entering the ring or our promised land armed with this knowledge of certainty.
regardless how satan makes it look in the natural,
there really is no such thing as division in The Body of Christ,
and therefore it has no power of it's own.
The name of division with all it's many disguises, and it does appear to be a huge mountainous looking thing, however, as daunting as it looks, we can be assured that it certainly cannot enter into the ring with the truth and power of the Holy Spirit who lives in, and fights for us.
We believe the liar knows this, and can only roar and do all he can to discourage us from entering the ring. We, knowing our God, do know that our enemy is more afraid of who lives in us, than we should be of him, but he'll do anything to prevent us from entering the ring or our promised land armed with this knowledge of certainty.
One way or another, very subtly Satan will attack now, he is a counter puncher, he very likely will remind us of all the times that we have fought hard prayerfully, and fasted for other leaderships and cross denominational relationships, it's not like we haven't tried.
He may say that what has been said here is quite dismissive,
or even disrespectful of the work that has already been done.
However that is not the truth, it is him deflecting our attention away from his vulnerability. As we know he'd rather we fought each other, we are simply trying to look at this situation differently, that's all. No one loves and apreciates the work and efforts of the soldiers who encourage unity in the body of Christ,
more than us.
Over the years I have lost count how many meetings I have attended regarding unity, and can tell you that at every single meeting, our enemy had us starting from a place where he showed us the many
advantages for building bridges.
But be assured however, not once did he allow us to see
that we didn't have to!
Until we see that, we're not even in the ring.
This mountain we call division that struts and swaggers in front of the army of God, is merely one lie built upon another. Like lying midget demons clambering on top of one another, hiding under a giant coat pretending to be something they most certainly are not. Causing this illusion of what we see as a insurmountable obstacle called division.
The name of Jesus is above all names, we even sing it, because we do believe it. We can believe also that it does include the one we call division, and we can prove it.
That's right because the only power this Goliath has ever had, is what we have chosen to give it. I pray and believe the Holy Spirit is going to reveal to us the weakness and vulnerability of these demons of division who masquerade behind many disguises. They sit around the boardroom tables of our minds and always to achieve the same end, to weaken the Army of God, which in effect, regardless of our evangelistic exploits, keeps the lost world in darkness. Let us not believe that the mountain before us called division, is mightier or higher than The Name of Jesus. |
We know it's not, so let us together overcome it, just as we overcome any other lie.
This name called division appears like Goliath to us, but it is no different in truth to any other name. |
On this website we have every reason to believe that our God in the Name of Jesus will dump and send division in His Church to the bottom of the sea, for all time.
so it won't be a problem, Jesus said so |
Then and only then, will the world know that what unites The Universal Church, our Jesus, is far, far more important to us, than what dares to falsify a division, which is nothing less than to slander and demean who we love more than this life itself.