Jesus said with His last breath "It is finished" ( Τετέλεσται ) Jn19:30
But here's the thing, if it is finished, why would we
still have a need, to find our unity?
But here's the thing, if it is finished, why would we
still have a need, to find our unity?
Isn't it true we believe that with more unity, we could reach this hurting world with the love of Jesus far more effectively?
We believe this because unity as we know is very effective, it's biblical, and we should seek it whenever we can, that is something which we all agree on?
But consider this, what if that is an incredibly intricate and all
encompassing deception in the outer courts.
A deception from the pit of darkness as big as it gets, and
masterminded for one purpose only, to weaken the army of God.
encompassing deception in the outer courts.
A deception from the pit of darkness as big as it gets, and
masterminded for one purpose only, to weaken the army of God.
Please consider this, we know our enemy is very efficient at attempting to access our thoughts whilst cloaking himself as light, but we also know that what he offers is always counterfeit. He knows exactly what we want to hear, his hook is baited with what we can't refuse. e.g. what good Christian could resist the lure of a better way to serve our God, in this case the promise of more unity.
So what is the difference, if any?
I believe there is a massive difference and deception going on here,
and believe the Holy Spirit wants to unveil it in detail,
what in truth is a crippling illusion for the army of God.
But that is only going to be possible, if we can resist our enemy,
who defends staunchly this vital bastion of his. Let us recognize him when he whispers to us that
"we have already explored every avenue of unity, and all the problems that go with it,
doctrine, denominations, factions and splinters, we already have our own opinion about it all".
Has he whispered that yet?
Let us remind him of a truth that we know, that the army of God does not have to see herself today as she saw herself yesterday, when preparing
herself for the battle tomorrow.
I believe there is a massive difference and deception going on here,
and believe the Holy Spirit wants to unveil it in detail,
what in truth is a crippling illusion for the army of God.
But that is only going to be possible, if we can resist our enemy,
who defends staunchly this vital bastion of his. Let us recognize him when he whispers to us that
"we have already explored every avenue of unity, and all the problems that go with it,
doctrine, denominations, factions and splinters, we already have our own opinion about it all".
Has he whispered that yet?
Let us remind him of a truth that we know, that the army of God does not have to see herself today as she saw herself yesterday, when preparing
herself for the battle tomorrow.
Please meditate on this scripture
Mat 4:6 And saith unto him, "If thou be the Son of God",
Satan tries to bring doubt, it didn't work because Jesus knew who He was,
but what about us, do we know we are one in Christ?
Mat 4:6 And saith unto him, "If thou be the Son of God",
Satan tries to bring doubt, it didn't work because Jesus knew who He was,
but what about us, do we know we are one in Christ?
We seek our unity, but why?
Who is Satan to offer the children of God,
what we already have been freely given by our Lord Jesus.
It was the precious blood of Jesus that has already
paid for our oneness with Him.
What an insult Satan brings before our Lord Jesus right here,
as if he has something that we need.
Who is Satan to offer the children of God,
what we already have been freely given by our Lord Jesus.
It was the precious blood of Jesus that has already
paid for our oneness with Him.
What an insult Satan brings before our Lord Jesus right here,
as if he has something that we need.
This seemingly insignificant variation, (seeking unity, opposed to receiving it) rather like geometry, a small degree of compass error over many miles makes a huge difference by the end. So please consider this carefully.
At first glance there is no difference, between on the one hand
a) being one in the Spirit of Christ,
and on the other hand,
b) Seeking to improve our unity
a) being one in the Spirit of Christ,
and on the other hand,
b) Seeking to improve our unity
Isn't it true that our enemy dresses up one, to look virtually the same as the other?
But the fact is, they are exact opposites,
are they not?
But the fact is, they are exact opposites,
are they not?
Clearly one of these implies that if we look for or work to achieve this illusive thing called unity, we will find what we are looking for, (but of course we never will, because we never lost it).
The other says "you don't have to do anything except receive what is inherently yours by right my precious children, because it was given to you when I died on the cross".
One of these is full of incomprehensible spiritual power,
(exactly what we have been praying for, and presumably exactly what Satan doesn't want us to discover about ourselves)
and the other has no power.
(exactly what we have been praying for, and presumably exactly what Satan doesn't want us to discover about ourselves)
and the other has no power.
Doesn't it sound a bit like religion V grace all over again, but as a whole.
Our enemy is not about to give up his grip on this illusion easily, because presumably he knows the significance of it. The Body of Christ getting the revelation, that she is in fact in her natural state of oneness, without doing a thing, the most powerful force in all creation, no doubt our enemy wouldn't want us to recognize that about ourselves, worse still to have the faith to move in it.
We know we can do nothing in the outer courts, that will alter or improve upon what Jesus has already done for us in our inner courts.