Thank you Jesus, 26/10/13
I'd like to thank God publicly for giving me the words on these first four pages that has I believe allowed me to share something of my heart, that for so many years has been locked inside my spirit, seemingly to me beyond my ability to express.
I want to thank you for taking your time to read these pages, and I pray that God has revealed to you the incredible message within them.
If you don't believe in Jesus, then I believe this website is going to be great news for you, because you are shortly going to see the church of Jesus Christ put away it's differences, and go about it's business of what it really is all about, and that is sharing the amazing love of Jesus with you, and all the other people of this world who are searching for the truth.
If you do know our Lord Jesus, then I believe God is going to use this website to reveal to you the incredible, and previously incomprehensible power of the Holy Spirit moving through Jesus' physical Body, us together, His Church.
Of course we will face opposition, but as we know, it is all trivial, that is, when our eyes are where they need to be, on Jesus.
These first few pages although only scratch the surface of our Father's gigantic mountain of truth regarding our oneness, and that dwarfs any mountain of division that Satan can come up with.
I believe the Lord is addressing these lies we've been hearing from our enemy, who tells us that our Father cannot supply our needs, in the land He has already given to us.
In other words, how does this truth relate in the real world, as we know it.
I believe it is really important, fundamental in fact because for us to move on into the land God has already given us, we must know who we are as the whole Body of Christ, in relation to all these so called giants (divisions) we see in the land.
The way the Lord shows it to me is, it's a bit like a chicken and egg thing. What I mean is, if we don't have the confidence to know that we are one in Christ, then we wont seriously believe we can take the land of our unity. But because we see all the problems facing us, we doubt that we are one in Christ. Satan is bluffing us both ways, something like a highly skilled poker player with no hand, playing children with a "royal flush". All we have to do is call his bluff, and God willing that is exactly what we are going to do on this website.
If there is anything in these pages that you would like to respond to, positively or not, it would be great to hear from anyone who is passionate about reaching this hurting world, in a far more efficient way then we are doing right now.
If you are part of a ministry then you in particular should be excited by what God has in store for us, because once His spirit of unity pours upon our ministries and churches in this new way, amazing things are going to start to happen. Hallelujah, Hallelujah.
Please either comment or email.
Thank you for visiting, and I hope you will return soon.
Love in the Oneness of Christ
Stephen David